Friday, December 10, 2010

Okay, I'm lazy tonight.

I know, I know. I'm a wiener. But in my laziness I will provide you this.....

Three random photo and plate lithography monotypes!! (pretend excitement)
They are actually pretty cool and took a lot of time. Lithography is an amazing form of printmaking involving a lot of chemicals and muscle. GRR! If you have questions about litho or my muscles, just ask. I love talking about both.

 80s House Party - 20"x30" - Plate litho, photo litho and monotype on paper.
 Deet of the casa.
 70s House Party - 20"x30" - Plate litho, photo litho and monotype on paper.
 Uno mas deet.
 My First House Party - 20"x30" - Plate litho and monotype on paper.

I actually could be at a very funky house party tonight. I'm pulling a grandpa though, so I can draw all day tomorrow. 

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