Monday, January 31, 2011


I had visitors this weekend. 
 We had so much fun. 

Here are two of them!

 ...and the other one! I could be cool and count the fish too, then I would have 5 visitors!
 We collaborated! (WINE)

And about me,

 I FINALLY bought resin. I need to run 2 million tests before I trust it. 

 This one is almost done, pictures soon!

I stopped grieving the squid drawing mishap and cut everything off the paper, I'm gunna mount it on a hot pink piece of paper. Your eyes will boil.

I also have a few other drawings in process, not showing you. YET.   

Monday, January 24, 2011


So I have a pretty sweet interview today. Therefore, making cool stuff is on the back burner. But I will give you some old school 3-D and photo work I did. This is gunna be fun!/Don't hate, this is oldschool Jason, treat him with care.

I wanted to be a photo major before I found printmaking. 
 I loved going out to parties and taking pictures of people I didn't know (I now know this guy, he rules), Halloween gave me the BEST photos. I would even go to parties with a large format camera (so dangerous). I liked using the cheap and harsh flash on my film camera, makes stuff look wilder.   
 Me and my pal Matt, we took 36 jumping photos. I was DEAD afterwards. This was taken in the CRAZY house we lived in during my junior year. 26 people lived there. We spray painted all of the walls.  
 My lovely friend Alyssa dressed as a cello and applying deodorant. 

These are so OLD. Things that I made in a design class.
 The flux amp was an instrument involving marbles and garbage. 
 ...and from her good angle.
 A giant belt that almost took my life. Made from 80 layers of glue and paper.  
 Photo shoot of the belt with jeans. Alluding to its size.

A waterfall that I attached to the end of a vent in the studio. It was an installation project. Organic Reanimation. 

YAAY! I'm not showing the old paintings I did. NEVER. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

These are in progress.

So I was in New Paltz and NYC for a few days. I saw so many faces that I haven't seen in too long. I love when that happens.

NOW FOR ART! These are in progress shots of 2 big drawings I've been hittin' up for multiple dates. They treat me so well. Now I just need to date a human and things will be perfect.

 Here is the crystal factory drawing I'm dating. 
Detail! The squares will have stuff in them soon!!

And remember that drawing that was ruined by a tube of puff paint......

I cut it out. Werk it. 

 I like holding the roller coaster scaffolding in the air.

I'm slowly working on some sculpture too. Maybe I'll post some later for ya. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

I'm very happy.

So today is a good one. I am almost done with my lil website (I still have to pay for it) AND I'm doing a million lovely things this weekend (things involving the sight of and interaction with awesome people). So here is that vine drawing I started a million years ago during one of the ice ages.

 Two Thousand Leaves on Vines - 11"x14" - Pen and marker on paper

And a lil detail for ya.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The miracle of life.

Here is a lil story for ya, with illustrations of course.

 How do you make beautiful, healthy blue eggs?

 Buy yourself a LaserPenis5000 of course!

 Use it to cross pollinate squiggles, allowing them to turn into blue eggs. FERTILITY! 


Also, I am making  a real website! I hope this post makes you want to visit it.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So I have been lacking in the posting department for the past few weeks. I promise that i have at least 3 excuses!!

Exhibit A- I was in the city for a week with my lovely friends in mid December.


Exhibit C- I worked at winter camp for a week and chilled with a bunch of awesome kids.

Exhibit D (that's right people, THERE ARE MORE THAN 3)- I have been drawing and ignoring the computer.

Now that we have all that cleared up...I FINISHED ANOTHER BIG DRAWING! I just took these photos and it has not been given a name yet (poor thing). Its concept is based in my current obsession with things with no real purpose that humans collect and covet. This drawing is of a snow globe.

 Untitled (as of now) - 30"x44" - Pen, marker and gouache (love this word) on paper.
 Closer image of the main snow globe.
 Ahh! We are going to hit the central diamond!
 The central color patches in the base are made up of tinnnyy circles. I like making things that look simple from afar (e.g.-the color patches), but, when examined at a closer proximity, gain complexity.  
Simple mini snow globes!