Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Yep! This is my Senior Thesis project from the spring. It's an installation comprised of cutout prints (monotypes, tooooonnnsss of plexiglass drypoints, screen prints) and other fabulous materials. The one major thing I wanted my project to be was BIG, so it turned out to be about 13'x13'. 6 months and 300 X-acto blades!

 Show Card Front
 And zee back.

 Overall Installation
 Atmospheric galm shot.
 Awkward glam shot.

 The Cranium Crown. Comprised of 6, 3 layer dioramas. I LOVE DIORAMAS.

 Infiltrator Satellite
 Left Restrainer Satellite

 Cranium Crown detail. All the layers are cut out plexiglass drypoints.

 A detail of the Commander.
 Another satellite detail.
 Detail of the Brain Vapor. These where made out of screen printed halftone images of smoke. 
And ahhh finall detaillll.

Some Drawins!

BAM! These are some recent extreme doodles I've been doing. I really like using bright colors, sharp lines, and graphic forms. Attract and overwhelm. 

 Batman vs. Superman - 11"x14" - Pen and marker of paper

 Globe Series #1 - 11"x14" - Pen and marker on paper

 Egg Sac - 11"x14" - Pen and marker on paper

 Sugar Skull - 11"x14" - Pen and marker on paper

Doodle Crystal - 11"x14" - Pen and marker on paper  

Monday, November 29, 2010


Since this is my first post, why not make it sexy? This is a 5 layer screenprint I made a while back. Hullo blog world!

"Mudflap Girl" - 30"x40" - Screen print and puff paint on paper