Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Varying states of unsure.

I am leaving for the mid west! I am going for 2 weeks. I am taking trains. I am visiting great people. I am excited. That is an understatement.

I thought I would leave you with some unsure pictures of some unsure things. I am a planner by nature, but I have made it a point to not over plan most of the drawings I've been making. I let them evolve, therefore I become unsure. I also RUN OUT of drawing materials, halting production. Here are two in-progress pieces.

 Quoting television. Look at the larger scale version of this one.
I put the frame around a house, but the house continues on outside of it's confines. I obviously had to also draw scaffolding to hold the frame up! Physics people, physics. 

Anyway, I will make small drawings while on the tracks of the midwest. Happy trails!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

3 Thangs.

I am working on so many different planets at the moment. At first it scared me, but now I really like it. Being focused into one rigid style and body of work isn't really me at the moment, it may never be. So here are some things I'm playing around with. Ps, the photos are TERRRIIBBLLLEEE quality.
 I don't know what to do next with you! I want to make more of you tho.

 I know what I want to do with you but I don't feel like it. 

 I kinda know what I want to do with you but I need to remove the your warp-ness! 

Oh! I went to the city last weekend and saw some wonderful people. I also saw some awesome shows in Chelz. :) 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I made tons of these cool bling blingZ. You should purchase one! They will make you cooler.


Friday, March 4, 2011

A new piece finished!

This is the drawing that I have been chipping away at for over a year. It's done, I'm done, you will be too! I also redid images of some other drawings (they where horridd).

 No. 1 Crystal Production Factory in the World - Marker, pen, puff paint, glitter and gouache on paper - 42"x30" 

 Detail of a crystal growing tank, the black glitter center is a carbon storage unit. 

 Detail, the purple boxes are heating and compression units. They compress and heat the carbon. 


Looks soo much better eh? The background medals are the correct color now!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So I made a flyer for my good ol friend Kaitlin. She is in a band called Breakfast in Fur (they rule/check them out). Here is the flyer, follow the directions on it and SEE THEM.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Studio tour and a drawing!

So I thought it would be fun to show y'all where I make my work! After that, a new drawing.

 So this is sorta the general area. Lots of crap everywhere.

 This gets messy. I cleaned if just for you.

 A shelf!

 Oh hey gurrrrl. I have a few things on the ceiling.

 This is FRAMED! That makes me happy.

 Some funky materials. 

 Something new that I'm working on, it's on the other side of the room away from the main area. 

And a drawing!
 Holiday Trance - 28"x21"


Thanks for joining me people. See you soon.